Truck Accident Attorneys – Personal Injury Law

Self-Insured Truck Companies Are Even a More Sinister Threat to Your Compensation

Rather than purchasing traditional insurance, some smaller trucking companies reserve a percentage of their assets to protect against personal injuries from accidents they cause in the form of some sort of liability or surety bond. And, unlike the insurance industry, there are no federally mandated ethical standards of behavior for self-insured trucking companies. Seeking compensation from these types of transport firms, or self-insured independent truckers without a very experienced personal injury commercial trucking wheeler accident attorney is an extremely contentious proposition that also comes with a great deal of danger to your compensatory rights.

You will likely deal with an officer of the company rather with an insurance adjuster so that’s good news, sort of. This company officer’s salary is directly tied to company profits. Any amount paid to you for an injury comes directly out of company coffers, which means that when this officer compensates you, he or she is literally taking money out of their own pocket. Because the company and the company officer’s interests are one-in-the-same, this person can resort to “any means necessary” to deny your claim and protect his company’s (and his own) assets.

truck - 18 wheeler accident attorneys

Self-insured companies (and independent truckers) have been known to intentionally destroy evidence, bribe witnesses, and on some occasions, even intimidate their victims. So just about every time we are hired to represent an accident victim against a self-insured liable party to the big rig wreck; we quickly file motions to prevent anyone with the company from behaving unsuitably toward our clients. And just as often, we file restraining orders against these people from communicating with our clients unless we are present.

When it Comes to Winning Compensation from a Trucking Company, an Experienced Attorney is Your Only Reliable Weapon

Insurance companies only agree to fair settlements if you are protected by an attorney with a history of success in court. Think of a good attorney like you would a big guard dog. No one comes into your house to rob you when that 100-pound pooch is protecting you and your family. Insurance companies and their lawyers are all too eager to pick-on and rob non-lawyers and inexperienced attorneys.

But they fear us. When we file a claim, the insurance companies usually see discretion as being the better part of valor and enter into good-faith negotiations with us that more often than not produce a fair settlement for you; our injured clients. They want to avoid a trial; especially if they know we have a strong case, the kind of case good investigators can build. And fair settlements mean our clients can resume living their lives again and continue down the road to recovery. Only after handling hundreds of cases and rightful insurance claims can a lawyer learn the intricacies of developing the right tactics for success at trial or at fairly negotiating with insurance companies after injuries in an 18-wheeler accident.

We know the right way to answer interrogatories, prepare demand packages, and conduct sophisticated depositions that get to the bottom of the accident that caused your injuries, pain, suffering and lost wages. Experienced attorneys know how to conduct sophisticated accident investigations or respond to lists of admissions. Most people in general, and many inexperienced attorneys, don’t. This is why it is in your best interests to retain a Texas big rig wreck law firm that knows how to do all of this and forcefully represents your interests.

Our Law Firm has decades of hard-fought experience handling personal injury litigation in commercial trucking accident cases. If you or a loved one has been hit by one of these trucks, our expertise assures that you receive the fairest compensation possible for the injuries and pain you have suffered. We’ve helped deliver millions of dollars to hundreds of big rig accident victims in Texas. So if you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident in Texas, our experienced accident lawyers can win the best compensation possible for you.

Call us today at 1(800) 862-1260 (toll-free) for a free consultation to continue your road to total recovery and that of your family.

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